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My Manifestos

Sabbatical Officer Manifestos 2022-2023


Slogan: Go David, Go!

Key Manifesto Points:  

  • Academic and Employability: An easier access to more skills, employability opportunity and academic value for money.

  • Relaxation and Mental health: More social & greater access to social interactions and relaxed areas with longer opening hours.

  • Accommodation and Well-being: Mid-wife Accommodations issues especially international

  • Feedback system:  A more prominent and present Union, with greater engagement and ensure your voice is heard


D – Diversity

A – Astuteness

V – Vox Populi

I – Inclusion

D – Dynamism

 __Together we can!_

Main Manifestos

Hello, my name is David Oyekunle, I am a final year Project Management student and I am running to be your Student Voice as Sabbatical Officer, Faculty of Business and Law.  I have spent time listening to and representing a large number of students as PG student mentor, Nigeria Student Society, Secretary General so I know the demands of representing the student body when interacting with the university and feel I would go a good job of being your Student Voice.


I am running because I want everybody to have a positive and memorable university experience, to improve student life, make the student experience easier, and try save you some money and stress.


I want to look into making more affordable deals, more faculty opportunities accessible to students, and to look into getting available placement and add more opportunity across the rest of the university.  I also want to encourage more social interactions and activities available around the university, with societies and clubs, where you can relax


I would strive as simple as possible to represent you, the things you care about and help make your experience the best it can be. To be heard by all, represented by all, and involved with the management. I feel having more approachable Sabbatical Officers would promote a sense of community, diversity and inclusion and I would potentially explore the idea of Sabbs having feedback session as I feel it could foster this change.

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