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To be given your vote/support as THE Business & Law Officer in School Business & Law, I commit and am not limited to the following mission during my time:

I will commit to solicit support with the school management on barriers international students face.

I will be a genuine leader by embracing all parts of who I am—the good, the bad, the weak, the strong, the gaps and the greatness in the interest of all UOS student’s.

I am committed to acknowledging and leveraging the sum of all my parts. I believe, by being genuine, I will win the heart and minds of management while finding solutions to the myriad of issues concerning student

I will take responsibility for the coordination and concerns of students in School Business and Law by initiating a feedback mechanism portal to log all your complaint for resolution

As the role prescribes, the Business & Law Officer is solely responsible for the general coordination and issues affecting the students, and I commit to being fully responsible for your concerns. I will strive with the SU executives to solve your concerns within the available time frame and not to make excuses for your problems.

I will communicate in a way that conveys the welfare and concerns of students to school management for the good of All students in UOS and faculty of business and law school.

Leadership has taught me that the words you speak and the way you communicate will always matter; every time you say something it provides a reflection on who you are, the office or organization you represent, what you think and what you value. I will ensure anywhere the concerns of each of the students is reflected and heard with my attitude and manner of relationship.

I will remember to serve something bigger than myself by initiating the first cynosure magazine to reflect and documents the experiences of student while on campus for others to leverage.

"The greatest rewards come when you give of yourself. It is about bettering the lives of others, being part of something bigger than yourself, and making a positive difference. " ("NickVujicic") People want to be part of something bigger than themselves. "They want to be in a situation where they feel that they are doing something for the greater good." ("Mike Krzyzewski")

Already, the past and current student representatives of students in School Business & Law have commenced several unprecedented activities in the last few years. In my office as well, I have identified gaps that need to be put in place. I will also be looking out for consolidating and championing new course at which it relates to the students' welfare during this term.

I will take ownership of all concerns and strive to make things better within my sphere of influence.

The strongest leaders serve humanity in a way that lifts everyone around them, and they inspire accountability through their capacity to accept responsibility before assigning blame. The height of a leader is measured by his or her accountability.

I will embrace resilience.

Accepting your new reality, even if it isn't as good as the one you had before, is a sign of resilience. I've learned not to dismiss failure as fatal, but to confront it with audacity and courage. When I do this, I always come away with the mindset that nothing is off limits and that every opportunity is a springboard for future success, because only those who are willing to fail can ever accomplish greatness. I'll pass this along to those who are willing to accept it.

I will always remember that there is always a free choice.

You may not always be able to change or pick your circumstances, but you can always choose who you will be under those circumstances. Choose the values and character traits that will help you accept your greatness. I'll be open to different points of view and contribute.

I will dedicate myself to my calling and YOU.

Leaders aren't born; they're cultivated. And they're made the same way as anything else: by putting in a lot of effort. And it will be the cost of achieving your greatness, because not everyone lives up to their potential. Because I know what matters to me and that what I do matters, I've always given it my all in all that I do and how I do it. To live up to my calling, I must embrace the greatness and opportunity that this ministry has provided me. To become a leader, you must first become yourself. It's both easy and sophisticated in the same breath. Leadership is both a privilege and a choice, and I'm learning to appreciate the magnificence it may bring.

Thank you for listening.

Let's get the Business & Law Officer back to work.

Yours in service,

DAVID O.Oykeunle.


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