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David Oyekunle



Mission Statement

Who is David Oyekunle? David is a -motivated leader, passionate, creative, and quick to learn.

I am a project management final year student (master’s degree) who has eleven years of leadership experience both professionally and nationally and internationally in youth and student activities.

  •  I am currently the Nigeria Student Society (NSS). Secretary General.

  • Current UOS PG student mentor.

A Vote for me stands for:

D - Diversity

A - Astuteness

V - Vox Populi

I - Inclusion

D - Dynamism

 __Together we can!

I will commit to solicit support with the school management on barriers international students face.

I will take responsibility for the coordination and concerns of students in School Business and Law by initiating a feedback mechanism portal to log all your complaint for resolution

I will communicate in a way that conveys the welfare and concerns of students to school management for the good of All students in UOS and faculty of business and law school.

I will remember to serve something bigger than myself by initiating the first cynosure magazine to reflect and documents the experiences of student while on campus for others to leverage.

I will take ownership of all concerns and strive to make things better within my sphere of influence.

I will embrace resilience.

I will always remember that there is always a free choice.

I will dedicate myself to my calling and YOU.

Thank you for listening.

Let's get the Business & Law Officer back to work.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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